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Embed the OwnerRez calendar in your own website

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Have a website for your properties?  You can now embed the OwnerRez calendar directly inside your website so that your availability is shown in real time to anyone visiting your website.

To get started, open one of your properties in OwnerRez and click on the new Widgets tab.  We'll be adding more widgets to this area in the future.  At the moment, you'll only see the Calendar Widget.

widgets calendar overview

Click the "Set Up Now" button to get started and you'll be presented with an edit form, showing a few settings.

widgets calendar edit form

These settings control the look and feel of the widget when it is displayed on your website.  In the future, we'll be adding more settings so that you can control the fonts, sizes, colors and other visual aspects of the calendar.  At the moment, there are only two settings: ribbon text and ribbon color.  "Ribbon" refers to the horizontal bar that lies across the dates that are unavailable.

widgets calendar ribbon strips

The ribbon text and color are preloaded by default.  You only need to click the "Save" button at the bottom to create the widget.  Once you save, you'll see some text that needs to be embedded into your website.

widgets calendar code

To embed the code, simply copy and paste it into one of the pages on your website.  The code is HTML that needs to be placed inside the source of the page.  If you don't know how to do that, please consult the webmaster for your website.  Once the code is in your page, you'll see the calendar appear.

Why use this instead of Google Calendar or another plugin I'm already using?

There are a number of reasons you should use our widget:

  • Our widget pulls data directly from OwnerRez.  You will never have to worry about your website showing an out-of-date version of the calendar or lagging behind in some way.
  • Our widget was built to show mid-day arrivals and departures.  Other calendar widgets show your booked days with a full block across the entire day as a generic event or appointment.  Our mid-day view gives a much more intuitive picture of which nights are taken so that the guest understands when they can arrive.
  • Our widget allows you to customize the ribbon text that shows on the calendar.  Instead of being forced to use generic wording (like "busy"), you can use a specific vernacular (like "Booked" or "Reserved").
  • You'll never have to worry about a third-party plugin breaking or ceasing to be compatible with your website.  While we don't anticipate Google shutting down their calendar tools, they could at any time without warning.  This OwnerRez widget, on the other hand, is an integrated part of our feature set and will always work.

8 Comments (add yours)

Nick F
Dec 17, 2012 5:24 PM
Joined Dec, 2012 1 post

It would be great if there was a preview widget capability..

Michelle J
Dec 19, 2012 7:53 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jan, 2011 582 posts

Nick, great idea. And you're right. I'll see if we can add that to the roadmap.

Glenn Moore
Dec 25, 2012 8:21 PM
Joined Nov, 2012 79 posts

I embedded it in my site and it works very good!

Actually though, this brings me to a request/problem I have. My website builder has a tool to add and customize a form. When the user fills it out, it will send an email to the address of my choice. I customized the form to look somewhat like the forms of the big sites (VRBO, Flipkey, etc.) and tested it out. However as expected, the inquiry system here did not recognize it. Is it at all possible to have OwnerReservations define the acceptance a 'generic' email inquiry? Perhaps you guys could specify the format of the email needed and then on our private websites, we could design forms to match that specification. Seeing that the availability calendar is on our personal sites now, it would be nice if we could have an inquiry form below.


Michelle J
Dec 27, 2012 7:00 PM
OR Team Member Joined Jan, 2011 582 posts

Hi Glen,

Glad you like it. Inquiry forms are already in the queue. No ETA yet, but we realize how important it is to get those out.

FYI - you can already send any email message to the email address we provide in your OwnerRez account. I'm referring to the "inquiryspot" email addresses you see here:


You can send email from your existing form to that email address. Since the system can't parse it automatically, it will ask you to fill in the information with a simple wizard screen.

Jan 2, 2013 12:21 PM
Joined Apr, 2012 395 posts

Is there a way I can send a link of the calendar in my response letter, showing the same thing when they click on it... Reserved/Booked?

Right now there is nothing out there that I can click and show my availability without directing them to a site.


Michelle J
Jan 2, 2013 1:53 PM
OR Team Member Joined Jan, 2011 582 posts

Hi Claudia,

Not yet, but there will be. We're going to have a public form (similar to the quote acceptance ones) that shows a full page calendar display of what the widget does now.

If you have your own website, you could also embed the widget for now and link to that.

Randy Juneau
Apr 23, 2014 9:49 PM
Joined May, 2012 36 posts

Is there code available for the ribbon calendar? This would be useful for a traveler if they are looking for availability rather than having to go thru all 8 of my properties individual calendars...

Jennifer S.
Jun 7, 2020 2:05 PM
Joined Sep, 2017 4 posts

I'm noticing that holidays are shown in orange on my calendar widget on my website which makes it look like the dates are booked. How can I remove the color on holiday dates?