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Search Support Articles by Date, Faster 2FA Email and SMS Alerts and More!

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Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.

Earl Nightingale

Join OwnerRez on our journey of achieving worthy goals and ideals 💪 in this product update as we break down all the details in our September 20th release with 17 updates, including the addition of Last Updated dates to Support Articles and Search Results, faster Two-Factor Authentication Email and SMS alerts and so much more!

Enhancements & Tweaks

Search the Support Center by Date and See When Last Updated

The OwnerRez Support Center is vast, and locating the most recently updated support articles and search results could be difficult...until now.

We've added the last updated dates to all support articles and search results!

On desktop view, search results now include the last updated dates on the right side and a Sort by dropdown menu to select the Most Recent results located at the top.

OwnerRez Search Results Include Last Updated Dates

Users can see the date that the support article was last updated by hovering over the Updated date in the upper right corner on desktop.

Support Article Last Updated Date

On smaller screens like tablets and mobile phones, the Sort by dropdown menu to select the Most Recent results is on the upper left side of the screen, and the last updated dates are located below the title of the support article, blog post, etc.

Smaller Screen Search Results Include Last Updated Date

Users can find the date that the support article was last updated by touching the Updated date in the upper right corner on smaller screens.

Smaller Screen Support Article Last Updated Date

Immediate Two-Factor Authentication Email Alerts and SMS Alerts

For the safety and security of your account, OwnerRez requires that all users participate in our robust two-factor authentication (2FA) process. 

OR has now optimized the delivery speed of your 2FA email alerts to be sent immediately! 📨 While we were at it, we made the SMS alerts also be sent immediately, so when you receive a text message, you will be notified that much quicker.

OwnerRez Two-Factor Authentication

Learn more by reading our Two-Factor Authentication support article.

Notes Column Added to the PM Statements Payout Export

Some Property Managers enter important recordkeeping information in their PM Payout Notes section.

PM Payout Notes Section

Previously, the PM Statements Payout Export did not include those vital notes, but OR now includes those crucial PM Payout Notes in the PM Statements Payout Export file.

PM Payout Export File

New Owner Search Endpoints Added to the OwnerRez v2 API

Many partners and prospective partners work to provide stable API integrations for OwnerRez users through our API. We've added Owner Search endpoints to the OwnerRez v2 API.

OwnerRez v2 API Fetch and Modify Owner Records

Learn more by reading our API for Apps Overview support article.

Bug Fixes

Allow Select All on Seasonal Rate Editor Even With Many Properties. Because the Seasonal Rate Editor can only edit 50 properties maximum at a time, we hid the "select all" button. Now that OwnerRez has added new filters allowing users to type and filter down, we have exposed the "Select all" option. This will enable users with less than 50 properties to select all their properties in the Seasonal Rate Editor easily. Selecting more than 50 properties in the Seasonal Rate Editor will now display an error as attempting to edit 50+ properties results in very slow processing.

Better Error Messaging for Unmapped Owners on Owner Payouts Send to QuickBooks. PM users who have not yet mapped owners to QuickBooks Online received an unhelpful BadRequest Required parameter VendorRef is missing in the request error when attempting to send owner payouts to QuickBooks. OR has resolved this issue by disabling payouts to unmapped owners and now displays the more helpful tooltip, "This owner is not mapped to a QuickBooks entity." when trying to select unmapped owners. If users attempt to select "All Owners" and they are all unmapped, the user will be redirected to the QuickBooks configuration page.

Don't Allow Renaming a Custom Expense Category the Same as a System Category Name. Users who created or renamed an expense category that was a duplicate name of an existing OwnerRez system category experienced various errors, including Excel import errors. For this reason, users will no longer be able to create or rename an expense that is a duplicate name of an already existing OwnerRez system category name and will receive "A system category with the name "expense name" already exists." error message when attempting to do so.

Don't Apply Commission Deduction to Transaction Fees With No Expense. When a PM configured an owner with commission settings calculated on the owner amount but excluded transaction fees, then created a booking for that owner, and subsequently created a payment that included a transaction fee, the booking charges had no transaction fee expense associated with the payment. We fixed this bug by applying the logic that if there is no transaction fee expense, then the owner amount IS the gross, so there will also be no commission deduction.

Don't Shift+Select Hidden Options on Filtered Multi-select. Filtered multi-select dropdown menus inadvertently allowed users to shift+select hidden options during the filter process, producing unexpected filter results. OR resolved this glitch by no longer allowing users to shift+select hidden options, and the range select now acts correctly and as expected in filtered multi-select dropdown menus.

Fix Issue Where Automatic Reviews Summary was Displayed in Reviews Grid Even When Automatic Review Feature Had Been Disabled. Some users that had reviews scheduled for automatic submittal and could view the reviews on the Reviews grid and subsequently disabled the Automatic Reviews feature still had reviews displayed that appeared to be scheduled for automatic submittal in the Reviews grid. OR determined that this was a display issue only and that users that have turned off the Automatic Review feature, would not have had those reviews published. OR fixed the Reviews grid issue to no longer display Automatic Reviews after the feature is disabled.

Fix Issue Where Payment Report Was Using Marked as Deposited Date. Payment Reports, both detail and summary, were incorrectly using the "marked as deposited" date logic, leading to unexpected results. OR has resolved this bug to correct the payment report logic to skip now payments that are marked as deposited.

Fix Issue Where Property Import Stores Airbnb URL's if Invalid. Users experienced import errors when incorrect or invalid Airbnb property URLs were entered as Airbnb listings. OR corrected this import issue to now attempt to parse for a room number if it exists and check for duplicate listings either within the import file or with existing OR data.

Fix Issue Where "Send Quote" After Copying Uses the Property From the Copied Quote's Inquiry in the "From." Users who received an inquiry for one property and then copied and saved a quote for that inquiry to a second property experienced unexpected results when emailing the saved quote from the second property. The quote email instead incorrectly pulled the return address, subject line, and some text pertaining to the first property ("from" property) but the actual quote for the second property ("to" property). OR has fixed this bug, and copied quotes from one property to another will correctly render quote email property information.

Handle Vrbo CB Negative Charge Total and Zero Owner Amount as Full Refund and Clear Charges. Vrbo Channel Bridge imports were not correctly calculating negative charges (discounts) that included zero owner amounts. We have corrected this issue, and Vrbo CB negative charges (discounts) that include zero owner amounts will be calculated and imported accurately.

Improve Google Vacation Rentals Push Service Error Messaging and Don't Error on Warnings. Google Vacation Rentals (GVR) API integrated properties that received any transaction field errors resulted in a Waiting for Sync status to be safe and notified users that something wasn't right with their integration. OR now resolves these issues by inspecting the contained issue, acting on them appropriately, and adding the additional status of Vacation rental listing is undergoing initial processing while continuing to show the status as Connected.

Include Custom Discounts in Vrbo Booking Update Service Response. This edge case occurred when a user applied an additional manual discount to a Vrbo booking that already had a discount. Still, those discounts did not appear correctly in the booking charges. OR fixed this glitch to now correctly include additional manual discounts in the Vrbo booking update service feed charges. 

Update Review Excel Template File to Specify a Day for StayDate Clearly. The Import Reviews Excel template included an incorrect format of month/year (ex. Jan 2023) for the StayDate column rather than the expected month/day/year format, resulting in imported reviews not linking to their associated bookings. We corrected the Import Reviews Excel template to include now a complete date of month/day/year format in the StayDate column.