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Booking Calendar Blocks

Glenn Moore
May 1, 2016 12:48 PM
Joined Nov, 2012 79 posts

Hi, quick question about booking calendar blocks. I can find the ical links to expose bookings (and blocks) to other websites. However I cannot seem to find a spot to put other ical links to block the OwnerRes calendar. I have a third party overall calendar that I manage and put blocks on dates. I would like these to show up as unavailable on the OwnerRes calendar. I am linking a web page to OwnerRes and want to use it as one of several sites that I take bookings on. From my overall calendar I ensure that all is aggregated from the sites and have an overall block that is resent out to AirBnB, VRBO, and Flipkey... I also want to send out the blocks to OwnerRes.

Michelle J
May 2, 2016 9:13 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jan, 2011 582 posts

Hi Glenn,

We have a one-time manual iCal import (Tools > Import iCal) that will bring in bookings from other systems as "blocked off time" but this has to be triggered manually. We do not yet support a full background syncing for iCal.
