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Channel Bridge errors-airbnb

Janyne S
Jan 6, 2023 7:47 AM
Joined May, 2022 1 post

I am trying to channel bridge with Airbnb for payments as I always have with an excel file (albeit I have not had to bridge for 6 weeks or so) and I keep getting this message below.  Its not updating the payments at all including the 3 rows that say valid.  I tried deleting the blank rows, leaving only the 3 rows of info to bridge, yet it still shows the same errors.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!


No records were updated. When an import fails, no updates are done – not even for valid records. This is a safety feature to ensure that no bad data gets processed.

3 rows are valid. 6 rows are invalid or caused errors while trying to import.

Fix the errors below in your file and try importing again. If you can't figure it out, ask us directly. You can also post a question on our public forums which we monitor.

Row Status Result
T: 5 Invalid Issues:
  • ReservationId is required in cell A5
  • CurrencyCode is required in cell C5
  • IsRefund is required in cell D5
  • OwnerRevenue is required in cell N5
  • PaidToOwner is required in cell Q5
  • PaymentFee is required in cell K5
  • CommissionFee is required in cell L5
  • GuestFee is required in cell U5
  • ChannelTaxesCollected is required in cell M5
  • NonTaxableRevenue is required in cell P5
  • Tax is required in cell S5
  • TaxableRevenue is required in cell T5
  • DateUtc is required in cell F5
Ken T
Jan 6, 2023 3:38 PM
Joined Aug, 2019 1707 posts

That sounds like you may be trying to upload the file in the wrong place.


Otherwise, please write in to the Helpdesk and send us the file so we can investigate.