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erentallock grace period - too much

Jun 6, 2018 2:24 PM
Joined Jun, 2016 1125 posts

I recently discovered that erentallock code was allowing check in at least 2 hrs prior to official check in time. i.e I had guest let themselves in at 1PM whereas my check in time is 3PM. I checked and I have 1 hour grace period defined (I.e it should be possible for them to check in at 2 PM , but why 1 PM?)

Chris Hynes
Jun 8, 2018 11:22 AM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1400 posts

If you look on the eRentalLock site, what do the times say? That's the best place to check.

They only go by an hour granularity, so check out at 10am actually allows until 10:59, but I had assumed on the check in side a check in at 4pm would start at 4. Is it actually starting at 3:01 in eRentalLock?

Or perhaps it is a daylight savings time issue?

Jun 8, 2018 11:31 AM
Joined Jun, 2016 1125 posts

It could be DST, but I could never figure out how to account for it. I guess I have to look at their site. Are you saying that OR grace only works on check out time but not check in time?

Chris Hynes
Jun 8, 2018 11:35 AM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1400 posts

It should work on both, but it is possible there is a glitch somewhere between OR and eRL and the data we're putting out is not what they expect. If you look on the eRL side you can see all of the codes we generated and the times they interpreted them as. I wonder if they have a grace period in the eRL settings that's compounding on the one we have in OR?

If you want, shoot an email about this to Todd at eRL and include our dev team (dev@ownerreservations.com) and we can make sure we handle the grace period and the DST.