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Hosted Website Booking

Charles & Celia B
Feb 27, 2022 3:23 PM
Joined Jan, 2022 1 post

Hey all,

I have two properties that I am trying to set up on our Hosted Website. One can be booked directly. The other I would like to anly allow folks to inquire about as it requires manual intervention for now.

I cannot find a setting in each property that allows me to do this. Am I missing something or is this a feature request?


Thank you,

Paul W
Mar 1, 2022 5:45 PM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 832 posts

Hi Charles & Celia,

Currently, the settings that determine if the "Book Now" button shows, on either the top level Book Now page or the individual property page, dictates what happens across all properties.

However, we do have a per property rule setting where you can put bookings into pending/confirmation-required mode. When that happens, the guest would go through the normal quote > booking flow but be told that their card will be verified but not charged and the booking is pending until you confirm.

Would that work instead since we don't (yet) have the ability to turn off Book Now on a specific property over another?

You could also use custom CSS, potentially to target and hide the Book Now button on the one property page where you don't want it.  That wouldn't work on the top level Book Now page, but it would work on the individual property page.