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How do I remove the OwnerRez "Is this an inquiry?" banner from all my incoming emails?

Apr 21, 2021 12:11 PM
Joined Oct, 2018 49 posts

I understand that in some cases the banner and the "Create Inquiry" button could be useful, but not for me.
What I don't like is when I reply to the guest, every email has that embedded and I'd rather it wasn't there.

Apr 21, 2021 1:10 PM
Joined Jun, 2016 1125 posts

Maybe all your emails are directed at inquiryspot email (as in reply-to). in that case they are treated as inquiry

Paul W
Apr 22, 2021 9:24 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 832 posts

Hi Tim, anything sent to the @inquiryspot.com email address will either turn into an inquiry record or, if OwnerRez doesn't recognize the content, will give you the "What is this?" header and link.

@BlueMtnCabins, even when the @inquiryspot.com email address is used as the FROM header on outbound messages, the REPLY-TO is set to the user's actual email, so most replies should go back to the user directly and not come into @inquiryspot.com. Just fyi. But you're right that if someone does reply to that email specifically, then it will come back to OwnerRez.

We have a long-planned update coming (no ETA) to unify the messaging around the guest conversation and provide 2 way email there along with your other SMS and channel stuff. The inquiry records will come into there as well.

Apr 23, 2021 7:01 PM
Joined Oct, 2018 49 posts

Well, come to think of it, why do I need to send all my AirBNB and VRBO emails to @inquiryspot.com at all? Wasn't that only used back before we had API integration? Now that I am fully integrated, can I change that?

Ken T
Apr 24, 2021 12:25 PM
Joined Aug, 2019 1707 posts

Good point.

- You don't need that for Airbnb, because Airbnb inquiries now come direct through the API, as you suggest.

- Vrbo doesn't work that way unfortunately, but we recommend using Vrbo's own messaging tools to handle Vrbo inquiries. Let OwnerRez take over after the guest has made a booking.