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I have my reviews uploaded but the widget isn't working

E & R Vacation R
Jan 7, 2020 7:11 PM
Joined Jan, 2020 56 posts

I uploaded my reviews into the excel ss, it seems to be fine on the OR CRM, but I'm stuck making the widget work. I must be missing a step, as when I plug in the widget to my weebly site, the widget loads, but says no reviews.

Ken T
Jan 7, 2020 8:24 PM
Joined Aug, 2019 1707 posts

Yes, this is a very common issue.

You imported your reviews into OwnerRez, and as you say, you can see them all under CRM > Reviews. Look closely at that table though (you may have to scroll to the right): do the reviews have a property identified for them? Spoiler alert: yours don't, I looked. :-)

In your case, you've only got one property, so that may seem irrelevant. The computer isn't that smart, though, so it won't display the reviews unless they are associated with a property specifically - you might have more than one, if not now, then someday!

You can fix this by clicking on each review in turn, click "Change Details", and select the correct property from the dropdown. Save your changes, and move on to the next until you've done them all.

E & R Vacation R
Jan 7, 2020 8:48 PM
Joined Jan, 2020 56 posts

I had thought I put the property in the excel ss, but it didn't show up, thanks, going through them now.

E & R Vacation R
Jan 7, 2020 9:23 PM
Joined Jan, 2020 56 posts

Working now, thanks again, and I already have more properties, but I figured I would work on the most important one first ;) Still waiting to hear about the check in/out times on the calendar export...I do a TON of same day check in/out and until they are all booked, it makes the check OUT date look like it is booked for the day.