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Minimum night being overwritten

LC House
Sep 11, 2022 2:04 PM
Joined Aug, 2022 12 posts

I set 3 min night in default rules. Then I went to my rate calendar and set customized min night. The next day, everything was reverted back to 3 min night again. I emailed support and they told me to delete Pricelabs min night, which I never set. But I followed their instructions and did it anyway. It didnt help. Min night went back to 3 night the next day again. Please help!!! Thank you.

Ken T
Sep 12, 2022 1:02 PM
Joined Aug, 2019 1707 posts

Since you are using PriceLabs, their min-nights setting is automatically overriding whatever might otherwise be set in OwnerRez.  You'll need to fix the configuration issue in PriceLabs, not OwnerRez, in order for it to stick.

LC House
Sep 15, 2022 1:15 PM
Joined Aug, 2022 12 posts

Hi Ken,

I have never set min price on Pricelabs. Nevetheless, I still followed instructions and delete all rules on my rate calendar. The problem still persisted. Tech support told me that it could be due to the min night set in my seasons. So I went ahead and deleted all my seasons. Still the min night on all of my listings kept revert back to the 3 night minimum set in Property Rules. Tech support couldnt figure out why.