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PayPal changes and Chargeback protection??

Jul 2, 2021 9:21 PM
Joined Jun, 2016 1125 posts

Saw this in email .
"What are the upcoming pricing changes for merchants in the U.S.?
Effective August 2, 2021, we’ll be making changes to our published rates in the United States to better align our pricing with the value that our products and services provide to merchants. Our goal is to be transparent and upfront with our customers about the changes. These changes only apply to our U.S. users and will primarily apply to our merchants, although some changes will apply to consumers as well. Notice of such changes was posted on our Policy Updates page on June 18, 2021. "
"PayPal Digital Payments: For PayPal payment products (such as PayPal Checkout, Pay with Venmo, PayPal Credit, Pay in 4, PayPal Pay with Rewards, Checkout with crypto), which include Seller Protection on eligible transactions, the rate for online transactions will be 3.49% + $0.49* per transaction.

​In-person Payments: PayPal and Venmo QR code: For PayPal and Venmo QR code transactions over $10, the rate is 1.90% + $0.10, and for such transactions $10 and under, the rate is 2.40% + $0.05.

​In-person Payments: PayPal Zettle: Effective June 30, 2021, for PayPal Zettle card present transactions, the rate will be  2.29% + $0.09. For PayPal and Venmo QR code transactions accepted through the PayPal Zettle app, the rate will be  2.29% + $0.09. For Zettle manual card entry transactions, the rate will be  3.49% + $0.09.

Credit and Debit Card payments: Online credit and debit card transactions will be 2.59% + $0.49* per transaction without Chargeback Protection, or 2.99% + $0.49 with Chargeback Protection."

Do our transaction fall under credit/debit or digital? Thoughts on "chargeback protection"?

Paul W
Jul 5, 2021 11:19 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 832 posts

Hi BlueMtnCabins,

Thanks for sharing this. I'm not quite sure what the answer is - I'd recommend reaching out to PayPal for clarity.

OwnerRez integrates with the "Express Checkout" integration method that PayPal has support for like 2 decades now, but that's just an integration style. It's a way of attaching our "shopping cart" to theirs and directing users to login to their PayPal accounts to create a payment and then navigate back to our "shopping cart" to finalize.

What the actual type of payment is under the covers - PayPal Credit, Rewards, digital debit - is not really known by OwnerRez. We simply get a "shopping cart" authorization and then finalize it by telling PayPal "go ahead and collect that payment now" when you get to the final part of the booking confirmation. What the customer selected for their payment is not really something we control or see.

May best guess would be that it has to do with what the customer enters on the PayPal side - a credit card directly or if they're using one of the credit/Venmo/PayPal "balance" methods to pay. But again, you should contact PayPal directly and ask about this.

Jul 5, 2021 11:57 AM
Joined Jun, 2016 1125 posts

Thank you. I will watch but I am more interested in chargeback protection option. I would think that there would be some switch to enable that as it is the merchant who needs chargeback protection, not the buyer.