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Zapier: Door Code missing

Mar 29, 2023 12:59 PM
Joined Jan, 2020 174 posts

OR's support article regarding the Zapier integration specifically mentions the door code being an available and usable field:

However, within Zapier, this is not reflected in the booking data that's pulled in. It's nowhere on the list of available fields. 


Am I doing something wrong or missing it somewhere... or perhaps is their a glitch in the matrix that's stopping Zapier from gaining access to that data? 

Joel P
Apr 4, 2023 4:06 PM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2009 135 posts

Hi Alece,

I just checked and the door code is definitely present on that booking:

Is your door code creation delayed? We recommend using Booking Update triggers in Zapier to get the door code, since it's not always available when the booking is first created.

Apr 4, 2023 4:09 PM
Joined Jan, 2020 174 posts

I do have it set up as a Booking Update trigger -- but within Zapier, it does not give me the door code as an option when populating the Zap action.

Joel P
Apr 4, 2023 4:13 PM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2009 135 posts

You may need to reach out to Zapier support in that case. We are not able to see exactly what goes on in their systems from our end. The OwnerRez API is properly including the door code. 

Zapier support can drill into the actual event data they have, and they can send us further details if they need assistance.

Apr 4, 2023 4:14 PM
Joined Jan, 2020 174 posts

I'll give that another try!

Apr 6, 2023 11:28 AM
Joined Jan, 2020 174 posts

For anyone else wondering: The door code field is only available after the Booking Lookup action is utilized.

I've created a custom Zap to add a new contact in OpenPhone (which we use for our guest text/call communication) when a booking comes in. It creates a contact that include guest name, property they're staying at, dates of stay, booking ID, phone number, email address, and door code. Use the Zap »