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Abandoned Booking Tracking/Recovery/Response

Status: Requested 10 Votes
Scott J
Apr 27, 2023 2:50 PM
Joined Mar, 2019 184 posts

I have no way of knowing if a potential guest has come onto my website to book and then abandoned the booking, and it could be for one or more of several reasons. So I find it essential to be able to track when this happens and have that booking retained and/or recovered and have a message triggered that could encourage them to complete the booking or whatever else I want to communicate with the potential guest.

For instance, I was trying to place an order for an item on a product website, and I was having technical difficulty with that, and so I had no option but to abandon the cart. The next morning I got an email from the site with a link to continue my order, and I was able to do so without the technical issue. I also got a phone call from the site owner and I explained the issue to them, and they were thankful to know about it.

This request is related to another request recent, "Trigger to send follow up to unbooked quoted inquiries," but not exactly the same, (https://www.ownerrez.com/forums/requests/trigger-to-send-follow-up-to-unbooked-quoted-inquiries) and maybe should be part of the same feature?



Ken T
Jun 12, 2023 4:01 PM
Joined Aug, 2019 1707 posts

[Another topic was closed as a duplicate of this topic (Abandoned bucket)]