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Add additional filtering capabilities to CRM Inbox page

Status: Planned 4 Votes
Ramu Tremblay
Mar 19, 2023 3:54 PM
Joined Jun, 2019 3 posts

It would be tremendously helpful to have additional filtering capabilities on the CRM inbox page.

Right now, if I want to see all sms messages that have come through, I have to manually scroll through page by page on the inbox page.  Adding additional filtering capabilities would simplify things a lot. Filter examples:

-Message type (i.e. SMS)

-Channel (i.e. Airbnb, VRBO, Booking.com, direct, etc)


Currently these are the only filter options available on the CRM inbox page:


Scott H
Jul 10, 2023 6:56 AM
Joined Sep, 2022 8 posts

Agree 100% that this is basic messaging functionality that should be added

Joel P
Jul 10, 2023 9:09 AM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2009 135 posts

The best way to see all messages of a particular type is to use the Communication History page rather than the Inbox: https://app.ownerrez.com/inbox/history

There is an SMS tab there for showing all SMS messages. 

The inbox is currently designed around the idea of a single row per guest, and a guest can have messages through several channels. We do intend to redesign this in the future so that the inbox contains "threads" or "topics" instead of guests. That will more resemble what you might be used to in an email client or Gmail type inbox. There's a lot of work to get to that, but it's definitely on our road map.