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Attach "Listing site" to quotes entered manually into OR

Status: Released 1 Vote
Janice T
Jan 20, 2018 2:30 PM
Joined Mar, 2016 63 posts

I had a guest who inquired through my website for September dates who included a note asking me to give her a quote for a few days in April. Since I created the quote in OR without an inquiry from her, no listing site was attached. I understand that, of course. However, triggered emails won't run for her April booking unless I manually go into her info after the fact and choose a listing site. Maybe during the create a quote process there could be the option of choosing a listing site to attach? I could make up a custom listing site name that would fit the circumstances.

Chris Hynes
Jan 20, 2018 10:43 PM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1401 posts

Yep, that's a good idea and we're in the middle of reworking some of those areas. Right now only bookings and inquiries have listing site, not quotes. If you want a listing site on a quote, you could create an inquiry first, set the listing site, then create a quote from it -- that way the inquiry would flow through to the booking eventually.

Janice T
Jan 20, 2018 11:06 PM
Joined Mar, 2016 63 posts

Well, I hadn't considered starting at the inquiry level in OR. I was just saving myself a step. Good to know - thank you.