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Booking history

Status: Requested 4 Votes
Ken T
May 3, 2024 11:54 AM
Joined Aug, 2019 1707 posts

We have an internal log, but it's quite cryptic.  There are long-term plans to increase the visibility of event logging to our clients, but that's a great deal of ongoing effort and not high priority work in most cases.

Mar 27, 2021 4:21 PM
Joined Nov, 2019 61 posts

It would be really helpful to have a history of actions taken on a reservation. Similar to transaction history. For example, a timestamp of when dates change, or addtional charges like pet or late check-out fees are added. I know we can go back through the sent messages to recreate a timeline. But, it would be much easier if we could just click on "History" to see any changes that may have been made to the reservation.

Ken T
May 3, 2024 11:53 AM
Joined Aug, 2019 1707 posts

[Another topic was closed as a duplicate of this topic (Reservation History)]

Ken T
May 3, 2024 11:54 AM
Joined Aug, 2019 1707 posts

We have an internal log, but it's quite cryptic.  There are long-term plans to increase the visibility of event logging to our clients, but that's a great deal of ongoing effort and not high priority work in most cases.

Mike P
May 4, 2024 1:06 PM
Joined Apr, 2024 3 posts

How can a user access the internal log?  Even if it is cryptic, it would be helpful to get that information.

Ken T
May 4, 2024 8:40 PM
Joined Aug, 2019 1707 posts

You cannot.  If you have something specific that needs to be researched relating to something malfunctioning, the Helpdesk is able to assist with that, though for complicated issues we often have to escalate to the engineers.