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Listing site calendar colors - Specify each listing site color
(page 1 )

Status: Requested 20 Votes
Feb 14, 2021 6:39 PM
Joined Feb, 2021 9 posts

I'm testing out OR to migrate from another company. How do I specify the color of the listing sites when viewed in the calendar option 'Color by Listing Site'? Right now VRBO = Gray, AirBnB=Maroon, and MyVR = Burnt Orange. The Air/MyVR colors are too close for me to quickly discern and I'd like to contrast them better. I have searched but either I don't know the right term to look for or this info is not available. TIA.

Update 1/23/24:  It is nice to see this topic get some votes, thank you.  Updating my post to include screen shot of the colors that appear only when selecting the Year view and then selecting color by listing site.  I normally view by Month and these colors are not an option. And if they were, the colors that are presented in the year view, by listing site, are either too dark (purple) or similar (air and direct).  Personally, I prefer lighter colors to highlight that are not similar and easy to see the date.  


Ken T
Feb 15, 2021 7:08 PM
Joined Aug, 2019 1707 posts

I'm afraid at present, the colors are not configurable. We will likely redesign the calendar controls at some point, and add this capability among many others.

Jun 6, 2021 3:21 PM
Joined Jul, 2020 14 posts

Would be great when this is available. I'm having the same issue - colors too close.

E & R Vacation R
Jun 7, 2021 10:09 PM
Joined Jan, 2020 56 posts

Me too, and I'd love to add "blocked" dates as another color, as those are usually maintenance and I don't have to worry about changeover. I'd like, "book direct" and each OTA, plus blocked dates as color options. Just my .02 worth as a vote to this option. thanks

lee m
Dec 15, 2022 5:51 AM
Joined Apr, 2022 2 posts

User should be able to change the colors of each booking on OR. I use Fantastical on Mac which as been the best calendar app I've found. Easy to use and allows on to color each series of booked dates. Colors help a lot.

Ocean Zen
Jan 28, 2023 11:07 PM
Joined Jun, 2022 70 posts


Ocean Zen
Jan 28, 2023 11:08 PM
Joined Jun, 2022 70 posts

Agree with previous poster... ability to set listing site calendar color would be very helpful... AT THE VERY LEAST AS INTERIM FIX PLEASE CHANGE THE 'MY SITE" COLOR TO BE DIFFERENT FROM AIRBNB.

Suggestion to have blocked dates in different color also would be EXTREMELY helpful for a quick visual view of property patterns.... not sure if blocked dates show up now

Jan 28, 2023 11:23 PM
Joined Jul, 2020 14 posts

I commented on this 2-1/2 years ago and I still think about it every time I look at the booking calendar but Ken says programatically it's not possible but I think anything can  be programmed...!

lee m
Jan 28, 2023 11:48 PM
Joined Apr, 2022 2 posts

Not necessarily. If the original code does not allow color selection, it may not be possible without rebuilding the entire platform.

Jaci C
Apr 26, 2023 3:20 PM
Joined Oct, 2021 8 posts

This would be SUPER helpful for current owner stays. That will be a larger limitation for me!! But we will just have to make a work around that we don't miss them!!

Ken T
May 4, 2023 2:20 PM
Joined Aug, 2019 1707 posts

Well, while it is technically possible, at present it is not planned, and it only has 2 votes.  I know I've seen folks ask for something like this many times, so if this gets voted up more, we can revisit.

Chandler S
May 5, 2023 11:38 AM
Joined Dec, 2019 30 posts

This would be a great feature. Just voted.

Sanae N
Jan 22, 2024 2:37 PM
Joined Dec, 2022 3 posts


Lianne C
Jan 22, 2024 5:05 PM
Joined Mar, 2023 9 posts

How do you even get different colors.  ALL my bookings are the same color?  Your would be greatly appreciated.


Judy T
Jan 22, 2024 5:30 PM
Joined Jan, 2022 1 post

Go to property, then general, then change calendar color

Sanae N
Jan 22, 2024 6:04 PM
Joined Dec, 2022 3 posts

At the bottom of your calendar, switch from "use property color " to "color by listing site" 

Amber N
Jan 23, 2024 12:07 AM
Joined Dec, 2022 3 posts

This can only be done by selecting the "Year" view of your calendar, an it doesn't keep this setting enabled. It toggles off this setting when you refresh the page. I think what most of us are looking for is an option to view our "Month" view of the calendar and easily be able to distinguish which booking sites the bookings are through at a glance. Otherwise you have to hover your cursor over each booking to see this information.

Lianne C
Jan 23, 2024 12:06 PM
Joined Mar, 2023 9 posts


At the bottom of your calendar, switch from "use property color " to "color by listing site" 

by Sanae N – Jan 22, 2024 11:04 PM (UTC)


Hmmm, I dont have this?



Oh nevermind, I now see it in the "Year" View as the other poster commented.  

Lianne C
Jan 23, 2024 12:07 PM
Joined Mar, 2023 9 posts

Go to property, then general, then change calendar color

by Judy T – Jan 22, 2024 10:30 PM (UTC)

Yes, this changes ALL of my bookings to the same color... whateve I choose...

Lianne C
Jan 23, 2024 12:12 PM
Joined Mar, 2023 9 posts

This can only be done by selecting the "Year" view of your calendar, an it doesn't keep this setting enabled. It toggles off this setting when you refresh the page. I think what most of us are looking for is an option to view our "Month" view of the calendar and easily be able to distinguish which booking sites the bookings are through at a glance. Otherwise you have to hover your cursor over each booking to see this information.

by Amber N – Jan 23, 2024 5:07 AM (UTC)


Thank you!  I can now see in "Year" View, which is somewhat helpful.  You are right, we all would like to see  this in monthly view, and/or throught all of the calendar views as a whole.