Experience the difference of "Elite".

Adria H

OwnerRez Team Member
Joined August 2022
129 posts

General Help and Questions » Contracts for mid term guests

Hi Catharine: You can create a new mid-term rental agreement, either a template with field codes for many of them, or a one off special agreement for one guest. You'd also want to review your m…

(Posted Aug 13, 2023 10:26 PM)

Feature Requests » Door lock/code generation requirements

You can allow RemoteLock to generate the code any time. Do not set up remote lock to send the code to guests. Instead set up a template & trigger on OwnerRez, using whatever criteria you need, to all…

(Posted Jul 27, 2023 10:07 PM)

General Help and Questions » AirBNB Summer 23 Release

Airbnb fixed the Custom Promotions for API connected hosts! If you run into any issues, take a video (Loom is a free option) of your attempts on Airbnb & send it to Help@OwnerReservations.com (ma…

(Posted Jul 21, 2023 2:58 PM)

Feature Requests » Same Day Bookings with Time Cut Off

This is an Airbnb API setting. You can create the global account setting via Settings > API > Airbnb > Change and scroll to the bottom. You can override for a particular property via Properties > Sel…

(Posted Jul 15, 2023 8:36 PM)

Feature Requests » Search in Bookings

Hi LLVR: You should be able to search for a booking, by first/last name, where it says "search" here: https://uc.orez.io/w/files/d345b896db3f4bfe8c3772cc21e6b2b8

(Posted Jul 15, 2023 8:33 PM)

Feature Requests » Same Day Bookings with Time Cut Off

Are you using the booking window time limit in the Airbnb API? It does sync to Airbnb. https://uc.orez.io/w/files/3a2e58883a1b4747b7456d80c5e00449

(Posted Jul 15, 2023 4:17 PM)

Blog » Turno (formerly TurnoverBnB) FREE For All OwnerRez Users

@jami B "Will my internal housekeeper be required to pay for a subscription? Also, I don't want her solicited to do other cleans. How would we keep it closed to just our properties?"   Tu…

(Posted Jul 1, 2023 11:31 PM)

Blog » Turno (formerly TurnoverBnB) FREE For All OwnerRez Users

Turno says: Your scheduled cleaning jobs themselves are only available to cleaners who you already have on your team!   If you release any offers to the Marketplace, these will not expose your fu…

(Posted Jul 1, 2023 11:29 PM)

Feature Requests » Quoting multiple properties together

Adding to Ken's reply above: Once you create this virtual property, which includes both your other properties, you can then offer that new, larger guest count, listing on the channels. We tend to …

(Posted Jun 22, 2023 1:49 PM)

Introduce Yourself! » VRBO removed the reviews that came from OR

Can you write in to Help@OwnerReservations.com (mailto:Help@OwnerReservations.com)  with examples of specific listings that are newly missing reviews?

(Posted Jun 21, 2023 9:17 PM)

General Help and Questions » AirBNB pricing higher than what I have set

When you say, "did what I said" do you mean you disconnected the API? Perhaps it would be helpful if you could write in to Help@OwnerReservations.com (mailto:Help@OwnerReservations.com)  & we can ch…

(Posted Jun 13, 2023 1:23 AM)

Feature Requests » Multi-language platform.

We do not currently have multi-language support; however, you can create that Spanish Rental Agreement and send that to the guest via the legal tab on the booking. If you have questions about how to …

(Posted Jun 13, 2023 1:19 AM)

General Help and Questions » AirBNB pricing higher than what I have set

You can view this by going to your calendar (on  Airbnb.com (http://airbnb.com/) ) and if you have multiple properties, you'd click into that listing & check for this option on the far right tools ar…

(Posted Jun 12, 2023 2:29 PM)

Feature Requests » Pets Fees and Airbnb

You will want to be aware of the limitations on channels & pet fees: Airbnb will only pass through a pet fee per stay, not per pet, not per night. Airbnb will roll that pet fee into the base rent …

(Posted Jun 12, 2023 1:35 PM)

General Help and Questions » AirBNB pricing higher than what I have set

Hi Julie: This is a frequent question. It's a little startling when you see it happen. When you activate custom promos on Airbnb, that stops the rates sync from OwnerRez. As long as that custom…

(Posted Jun 9, 2023 11:02 AM)

General Help and Questions » cleaner notifications

If you have SMS enabled, simply setup an SMS template and trigger. Hard code the cleaner's phone number in the template. You could put something like this: New Booking: {PDISPNAME} {BARRDAY} {B…

(Posted Jun 4, 2023 11:53 PM)

Feature Requests » Abandoned bucket

You should be getting notifications of a guest starting the book now process, you'd then know if they did not complete the booking. Is that not working out for you? https://uc.orez.io/w/files/6bbc556…

(Posted Jun 3, 2023 11:04 PM)

General Help and Questions » Airbnb Rule-Sets

Welcome to OwnerRez, Moona! Once you are API connected, you'd want to view OwnerRez as your command center. The API will overwrite most things on Airbnb & Vrbo, like rule sets. There are a few pla…

(Posted Jun 2, 2023 12:07 AM)

Blog » Airbnb Transaction Sync, New API for Third-Party Website Designers, Dismissed Alerts, and Hosted Website Header/Menu Options!

Currently the transaction sync is bringing in the resolution payments to the Bookings>Transactions screen. We are adding an option, in the next release, to allow an automatic charge, or choose to man…

(Posted May 30, 2023 4:19 PM)

Feature Requests » VRBO Native Messaging in OwnerRez via API integration

The Vrbo unified inbox is in active testing to find any potential issues and ensure a smooth rollout once the feature is released.

(Posted May 27, 2023 10:51 AM)