Experience the difference of "Elite".

Getting Started

Core Concepts

Channel Management




Communication History

OwnerRez APIs

Payment Processing

Property Management




Reporting Overview

OwnerRez offers a wide variety of reports, which are able to cover most situations where you'd want to extract data that has been collected.  And, the vast majority of these reports can be exported to Excel and/or CSV files, allowing you to perform your own research with the data.

OwnerRez can only report on data that it has stored.  This will usually require the use of other tools, such as API connections to major listing channels, as well as routinely running Channel Bridge.  If your data appears to be incorrect in OwnerRez, the most likely cause is that it's simply missing because you haven't yet brought it in from wherever it originates. Also, make sure to break out your taxes by each tax authority so they aren't combined into one lump sum.

Available Reports

  • Stay Reports
  • Summary Reports
  • Detail Reports
  • Analysis and Statistics
    • Booking Statistics
      • Conversion Speed
      • Days in Advance
      • Bookings
      • Inquiries
      • Quotes
      • Nights/Booking
      • People/Booking
    • Occupancy
      • % Occupied
      • Nights
      • People/Night
      • People
    • Availability Gaps
    • Repeat Guests
    • Inquiry/Booking Volume
    • Listing Site Performance
  • Property Management
    • Expense Summary
    • Expense Detail
    • Commission Summary
    • Commission Detail
    • Owner Remittance Summary
    • Owner Remittance Detail
    • Owner Statement Bookings Remittance
    • Manager Remittance Summary
    • Manager Remittance Detail