Experience the difference of "Elite".

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Core Concepts

Channel Management




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Property Management




Update January 17, 2022


  • Fix issue with Airbnb manual reviews template not rendering field codes
  • Add 1099s / W9s upload for affiliate payments
  • Fix broken links on forum from forum profile pages
  • Send non percent tax to Airbnb even if rent isn't taxable
  • Show overall ADR/ADG in total row for booking detail report
  • Fix erroneous auto 5-Star reviews alert
  • Show Vrbo icon for Location Description/Activities fields
  • Fix issue where all charges couldn't be deleted if one of them is a discount
  • Fix secdep filter on auto reviews to include full-releases
  • Note modern SSL vs 256 bit SSL
  • Fix issue creating duplicate topic watch records
  • Fix empty PURL for hosted site property urls in lease archiver
  • Fix duplicate forum posts
  • Skip Vrbo push if status is erroring
  • Forum style enhancements
  • Smoothen BDC hotel id logic
  • Allow a small number of safe field codes in review templates
  • Suppressed email address global alert sticking around even when all account-level emails are reactivated
  • "Security Deposit Fails" System Alert fixes
  • Add month selector to discount codes
  • Add Affiliate status interface
  • Airbnb Accessibility Amenities photo mapping word change
  • Use "fa-fw" on dropdown icons
  • Fix issue with CSS Magic not working mobile
  • Reject Vrbo bookings with missing street address
  • Block removing address when channel connected
  • Add cancel button to reactivate booking page
  • Add alert on client pending failure form that they can request payment
  • Add support for new Airbnb amenities
  • Filter CFAR by guest address and correct "must purchase by" date in BBINFO if arrival is too close
  • Fix hosted sites referencing old cdn distros