Experience the difference of "Elite".

Getting Started

Core Concepts

Channel Management




Communication History

OwnerRez APIs

Payment Processing

Property Management




Update May 17, 2023


  • Add system alert and error display for failed Airbnb message sending
  • Search widget only filters by city name
  • City-selection grouping needs to be case insensitive
  • Sort search widget location options in dropdown alphabetically
  • Increase field definition description length
  • Don't allow bookings to be deleted with voided expenses
  • Show friendly error on portal when owner has no properties
  • Fix booking channel page grid caching bug
  • Fix hosted site page grid disable/delete/enable buttons
  • Handle case of Airbnb reservation change when tax rate no longer applies
  • Don't error in cases where we have a door code for a deleted mapped property
  • Add breakpoint for TinyMCE toolbar on mobile
  • Clarify team member edit requires primary user login
  • Fix regression where custom "File" fields didn't allow uploading new files
  • Fix case where invalid csv parameters sent to API are generating 500s instead of 400s