Corey Bohnsack
Jan 19, 2025 4:10 PM
Joined Jun, 2022 2 posts

Any updates on if/when we can now set up the API with BDC for RTB rather than IB?  BDC has had the RTB feature for some time now.  But their API connection previously hasn't jived with OwnerRez.  The last update or comment I saw in other forums was back in the beginning of October, so thought I would follow-up again.  TY

Katie W
Jan 27, 2025 2:30 PM
OR Team Member Joined Jul, 2023 8 posts

Hey Chad!

We checked with our engineering team, and it sounds like it will be released in phases once we roll out the new BDC API. When it's first released, it will only sync over basic property content. That isn't to say that RTB won't be an option on the BDC API at some point, but RTB will not be a part of the initial content API release.