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Tax Reports - show "in period" taxable charges & tax amounts

Status: Requested 1 Vote
Jan 18, 2024 5:13 PM
Joined Jan, 2020 170 posts

When running Tax reports (summary and/or detail), we have the option to selecting “Any stay during period”. When doing so, the reports display a Period Nights column, as expected. However the reports don't also prorate the Taxable Charges and other financial figures based on the nights in period as well. This is problematic for bookings that extend from one month into the next. 

Without the ability to prorate the taxes and taxable charges for “in period” on the tax reports, it causes us to have to manually manipulate those reports by adding in formulas in Excel after downloading them. (Before we can report our taxable income for the month to our city/state.)

For consistency sake, it would be extremely helpful to have the In Period figures be included in the Tax reports when “Any stay during period” is the calculation method selected.

The Owner Statement Views has long offered the ability to display the gross amount as well as the tax amounts by “in period”. It seems to be a no-brainer that this should be available in Tax reports (or any reports) when "any stay during period" is the option selected.