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Joined January 2020
174 posts

Feature Requests » Inquiry Form - without Calendar or Number of Guest

Thanks, Caleb! I definitely still want my discounts to be usable on my website. The field is just massively out of place when using this MacGyver method of creating a contact form for the site. Thank…

(Posted 6 days ago)

Feature Requests » Owner Statements - Show Total Rents MINUS Discounts

We'd like our Owner Statements to show Owners the complete breakdown of revenue: Amount brought in as Rent, Pet Fees collected, Damage Protection Fees collected etc. Right now, there is no way to sho…

(Posted Jul 18, 2024 4:44 PM)

Feature Requests » Inquiry Form - without Calendar or Number of Guest

@Caleb -- reviving Maartje's question... is there a way to remove the Discount Code Field when utilizing the Inquiry form as a general Contact Form??

(Posted Jul 18, 2024 2:02 PM)

Feature Requests » Flexibility in automated messaging through use of short codes

This is the primary reason I still pay for Hospitable -- their robust use of short codes and conditional triggers is unmatched! I'm able to drill down so far as to have my wording say "you" in messag…

(Posted Jul 11, 2024 2:05 PM)

Feature Requests » Photo organizing

I agree, Neil. The drag-and-drop is slow and glitchy, and not an efficient way to manage the ordering of this many photos!

(Posted May 17, 2024 11:47 AM)

Feature Requests » Fix Reports so that in-period Totals for Booking Summary & Booking Detailed reports MATCH!

There is a discrepancy between the total amounts shown in the Booking Summary and Booking Detail reports when selecting "any stay during period". I emailed OR support and rather than this be flagged …

(Posted May 16, 2024 12:13 PM)

Feature Requests » Schlage Door Codes - Improve how these are added to message templates via field codes

I recently dropped RemoteLock for the direct Schlage integration. It all works seamlessly and as expected... except for this one thing. When inserting the door code in message templates (using any of…

(Posted May 16, 2024 12:00 PM)

Feature Requests » New layout/Search Button

@Joel - Yes, however on Mobile it's become a multi-step process.

(Posted May 16, 2024 11:54 AM)

Feature Requests » New layout/Search Button

I agree with this 100%!

(Posted May 16, 2024 10:54 AM)

Blog » Integration With RedCarpet Host

Oh wonderful. Thank you, Bryan!

(Posted Apr 18, 2024 1:03 PM)

Blog » Integration With RedCarpet Host

I wish their website included a sample guidebook to see what the offering really entails. As it stands now, I'd have to watch the demo of how to build one in order to get a glimpse of a finished prod…

(Posted Apr 18, 2024 12:54 PM)

Feature Requests » Add "Previous Guest Count" etc. to Field Codes to Highlight Changes in Booking

We have a template message that we send to guests to confirm changes they make to their booking. The template message field codes offer these great "previous" options so we can easily show a crossed-…

(Posted Apr 17, 2024 1:20 PM)

General Help and Questions » Where to set up per booking expenses?

If your expense settings were correct on the surcharge, I'd open a support ticket with OR to figure out what went wrong!

(Posted Apr 2, 2024 11:32 AM)

General Help and Questions » Where to set up per booking expenses?

Hey Julie! Check the cleaning fee Surcharge for that property and scroll down to the Expense section. That's where you can designate how much of it should go to you as the PM. This is customizable on…

(Posted Apr 2, 2024 11:25 AM)

Blog » Integration With Enso Connect

Their product looks beautiful! I'd love to see how the OR rental agreement flows into their system if anyone is already integrated and cares to share!  It also looks like currently there's no 2-w…

(Posted Mar 25, 2024 1:32 PM)

Feature Requests » Consolidate Lynnbrook Group Fee columns in Line Item Pivot report

Austin, does checking this box to Merge Similar Charges remedy that for you?    https://uc.orez.io/w/images/b8ea68ad55cf446f905d83670964cf7a-MediumOriginal

(Posted Mar 19, 2024 2:09 PM)

General Help and Questions » Delete custom source

Yes please!! The ability to disable/archive old, unneeded, or never-used custom sources would be greatly appreciated!

(Posted Mar 1, 2024 11:41 AM)

Feature Requests » Ability to send guests billing statement with breakdown of charges without having to create a quote first

I've created a custom email template that accomplishes this. Perhaps that would suit your needs as well? The main field code you're looking for, that displays the chart of charges, is {BCTAB}. https:…

(Posted Feb 29, 2024 4:57 PM)

Blog » Integration With VRPlatform

Would love to hear someone's personal experience if any OR users already utilize VRPlatform!

(Posted Feb 29, 2024 4:25 PM)

Feature Requests » Mid Term Rental Functionality

Love that idea, Nathaniel! That might do better as a standalone feature request, as it has a variety of functionalities and uses for people (for all different lengths of stays).

(Posted Feb 14, 2024 12:06 PM)