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Create Recurring Seasons Based On Weekends Or Months

Status: Requested 0 Votes
Alan A
Sep 25, 2024 3:51 PM
Joined Jul, 2023 1 post

Hi there,

I once used a booking platform that had a very advanced feature to set up seasons and more specifically - recurring seasons. This site would allow owners to program recurring seasons (including nightly minimums, rates, rules, etc.) all based on weekends and months.

As of now, you can only program recurring seasons in Owner Rez by entering the exact month and day for the season to be repeated. the obvious problem is Ex: January 1st this year may start on Monday, which would be fairly cheap to book. But next year January 1st could start on Saturday, which would make it much more expensive for a weekend stay. Just an example.

It would be very helpful to program seasons as - from the 1st weekend in March to the 3rd weekend in April. Again, just to set an example.
