Filters that STAY even when you switch view types (Ribbon, Calendar, Year)

Status: Requested 15 Votes
Aug 26, 2021 6:58 PM
Joined Apr, 2021 18 posts

Our company provides both vacation rental management and property management services, so not all of the properties in our OR database are actually available for rent. (Although the non-renting properties do get used by the Owners and their friends and family)
There is currently no way for us to permanently exclude the non-rental properties from the Properties list or Bookings Page so we "workaround" this by Blocking them off for months and months so they don't get booked by accident.
But this leaves our Bookings Calendar views looking cluttered as the properties for rent are mixed in with the properties that don't rent.
We work around that by creating tags for the properties that rent but that means that every time we want to look at the calendar we have to filter and choose only properties that have the tag "Vacation Rental" This is frustrating because we do it hundreds of times per day. And when you switch between view types (Ribbon, Calendar, Year, etc) your filter is lost and you have to do it all over again.
We have two wishes.
1. That properties could be designated as renting or non-renting and that this would be included on the list of TYPES available to you in the pull-down menu at the top of the Filter Screen (the current options are Blocked Off Time or Bookings)
2.That your filter would hold even when you switch view types and would only clear when you manually remove the filter

Aug 29, 2021 12:33 AM
Joined Sep, 2019 87 posts

I can't count how many times I've had a filtered ribbon view looking for a guest that still owes or that we owe a refund to, etc... and instead of RIGHT clicking on the booking and opening it in a new window I click on it, it opens and then I have to refilter. I'd love to have the filtered view be a "sticky" filter until I click on a button or something that resets the filters.

Tufan B
Apr 26, 2023 10:22 AM
Joined Oct, 2018 32 posts

I voted for this feature of holding the filter when you switch views because I loved the filter option in the Ribbon view. So sad that it is discounted and hope that it can be put back again. 

Genas Sierra Inn
Dec 27, 2024 4:34 PM
Joined Apr, 2024 18 posts

Persistent filters for the calendar are available but just for one setting. Disappointing since this feature was requested over a year and a half ago. 

Please allow filters to not only remain persistent but also allow use to save a handful of custom filters that owners / pms would often reuse.

For instance since OR defaults all unpaid bookings to PENDING I have to manually turn off the PENDING status every day > a total waste of time. At least if I could save PENDING as a specific custom filter, my added workload would take just a little less time. 

In addition, the inability of OR to pull and airbnb email addresses means I have to also have a custom sort to find those > again more manual work each day that other channel managers handle automatically via API.