VRBO Native Messaging in OwnerRez via API integration

Status: Released 227 Votes
Shawn H
Jun 7, 2023 11:22 AM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2021 283 posts

Hello all - great news to share today! Vrbo Messaging is now live as a Public Beta! You can see messages in OwnerRez before the guest books and reply and also after a booking comes in.

Bonus: included also is the creation of inquiries in OwnerRez (without the need to use Email parsing). So you can reply to inquiry messages but also view Inquiry details if they submitted an inquiry for your property. If you use Vrbo email inquiry parsing, it will match with that and only create 1 inquiry in OwnerRez.

We took an extra few weeks because we wanted to be able to add in the bonus. Thanks for your patience! Enjoy!

Read more in the new Vrbo Messaging support article: https://www.ownerrez.com/support/articles/vrbo-messaging

Joel P
Jun 8, 2023 11:01 AM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2009 144 posts

It's a bit complicated under the covers, but this will generally work for all new bookings from June 7. In some cases it will also send to pre-existing bookings, but I would not count on this yet. Until we import historical messages from Vrbo it will be hit or miss.

We recommend keeping your email triggers in place for Vrbo bookings alongside any new Vrbo channel triggers you'd like to add for the present. We will announce in our change log and blog when historical messages have been pulled in, at which point you can more safely rely on Vrbo messages only.

sunchic vacation
Jun 8, 2023 10:39 AM
Joined May, 2021 21 posts

Ok, maybe I missed it, but understand we can now try this out for channel messaging on NEW VRBO bookings only, correct? If so, how do we update the triggers to ensure all NEW VRBO bookings use the Channel message templates with the trigger and OLDER VRBO bookings use the Email Template with Triggers? How do I configure that?

Brendan C
Jun 8, 2023 10:39 AM
Joined Nov, 2019 23 posts

I am curious if the VRBO messaging only works if the booking was made after the rollout? I have a VRBO guest arriving tomorrow and the check in information went out today at 9am, but only via email. I set it all up yesterday to send via the platform and it didn't go through the platform this morning.

Andrew and Brittney G
Jun 8, 2023 10:56 AM
Joined Oct, 2021 14 posts

Thank you, I was wondering the same.  Is the forecast also being updated? I was checking there to make sure everyone will get codes and such and that was not reflecting that the booking had met the criteria for the listing site even though I have updated the triggers to send to both Air and VRBO.

Joel P
Jun 8, 2023 11:01 AM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2009 144 posts

It's a bit complicated under the covers, but this will generally work for all new bookings from June 7. In some cases it will also send to pre-existing bookings, but I would not count on this yet. Until we import historical messages from Vrbo it will be hit or miss.

We recommend keeping your email triggers in place for Vrbo bookings alongside any new Vrbo channel triggers you'd like to add for the present. We will announce in our change log and blog when historical messages have been pulled in, at which point you can more safely rely on Vrbo messages only.

Ventura County V
Jun 8, 2023 11:09 AM
Joined Mar, 2022 122 posts

That's great news!  Sounds like we'll be able to automatically reply within the system to inquiries, is that correct?  That would be a huge bonus, especially since we can't do that yet with air b&b

Valerie R
Jun 8, 2023 12:23 PM
Joined Sep, 2019 122 posts

Thanks, Shawn.

I do have another question.....I have noticed that even after a Vrbo booking is confirmed, when communicating with guests through the Vrbo messaging system, Vrbo will redact information such as phone numbers, email addresses, website URLs, etc. This is understandable when communicating with guests before the booking is confirmed but frustrating that they continue to do it after the booking is confirmed.

My question is: If we communicate with guests of a confirmed Vrbo booking through OwnerRez will Vrbo continue to redact information from our messages or leave them alone?

I like that when using the Airbnb inbox in OwnerRez we can send the link to sign the rental agreement through an Airbnb message, but I don't know if we can do that through the new Vrbo inbox....if the URL will be redacted then we need to continue to send that link to their email inbox as we are currently doing.

Ken T
Jun 8, 2023 12:32 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1706 posts

If we communicate with guests of a confirmed Vrbo booking through OwnerRez will Vrbo continue to redact information from our messages or leave them alone?

It's not supposed to.  If you have a specific example where it did, please send that to the Helpdesk with as much detail as possible (screenshots, etc.) so we can investigate further with Vrbo.

Ventura County V
Jun 8, 2023 12:35 PM
Joined Mar, 2022 122 posts

I've seen that as well Valerie.  The problem is, at least for me, is that the VRBO site still shows it as an inquiry and not as booked until a day or two later.  It's confusing for guests and has been that way for as long as I can remember.  I've had to handle that question a couple of times with guests who get my confirmation but see it as an inquiry.

Valerie R
Jun 8, 2023 12:59 PM
Joined Sep, 2019 122 posts

If we communicate with guests of a confirmed Vrbo booking through OwnerRez will Vrbo continue to redact information from our messages or leave them alone?

It's not supposed to.  If you have a specific example where it did, please send that to the Helpdesk with as much detail as possible (screenshots, etc.) so we can investigate further with Vrbo.

by Ken T – Jun 8, 2023 4:32 PM (UTC)

Ok, Ken, I'll try to find an example. It might be hard, because I know about this and so I don't usually send telephone numbers, property addresses, etc to guests through Vrbo.

Jill O
Jul 7, 2023 2:08 PM
Joined Dec, 2020 1 post

Hi Doug, Thank you so much for taking the time to provide this info. I am Canadian but my properties are in the USA. We mostly have US-based clients but also Canada. Do you know of any processors that do the interchange + ... and do not charge an extra percent or fee for what they call "international" customers for a business in our position. Also will do Canadians?  My cell is 604-808-1084 if you prefer. Thanks, Jill