Tag Automations
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Status: In Development 63 Votes
Aug 20, 2024 6:20 PM
Joined Sep, 2019 87 posts

Shawn I don't see a way to automate a tag if a booking has a specific SURCHARGE on it.    For example a hot tub fee or a pet fee.  

Is this still coming?

Steven C
Aug 20, 2024 6:32 PM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2021 15 posts

Yes.  The current tag automations are just V1 so we could get the feature release out and allow users to get used to using tags and setting up automatons via the trigger system we already had in place for messaging.  In future releases there are plans to expand on the functionality.  Add-on/Optional Surcharges are on the list of planned improvements for this feature 

Michael C
Oct 1, 2024 2:05 PM
Joined Aug, 2022 12 posts

Hello! It would be a great addition to have auto tags change with the booking changes.... Here is a real example... Security Deposits.... If a guest books on VRBO they are forced to schedule a security deposit and i have it setup for displays "security deposit paid tag". When an AIRBNB guest books it shows "security deposit not paid yet".... Great but there is a problem..... 3 days later when the guest pays the security deposit via email reminders, the tag never updates to "paid" because the current V1 solution only checks/works "on booking" and not at a regular basis. It would be great if the auto tags updated... hourly?... so that as guest change, it changes....

On a similar topic, it would be nice to get reoccuring messages setup. This way we can setup a message trigger/template that says "email this guest every day at 9am to pay their security deposit until it is paid"...

Diana R
Oct 1, 2024 2:57 PM
Joined Feb, 2021 5 posts

It would be nice to be able to have tag automation on the contact level and not just the overview level. 

Oct 2, 2024 9:24 AM
Joined Jul, 2019 21 posts

The ability to have an automated tag associated with a surcharge is our #1 pain point with OR.  We would love to know what your timeline is on this upgrade. Thanks!

Michael C
Feb 4, 2025 7:23 AM
Joined Aug, 2022 12 posts

Bump! Can we get this on the calendar?

Feb 4, 2025 10:20 AM
Joined Jul, 2019 21 posts

yes, please! We implemented a workaround last fall that functions but is not ideal because it's dependent on human interaction with it.  There's a lot of room for mistakes.

Here's how it goes: A guest books and adds on a surcharge such as a spa treatment, intimacy kit or artisan snack basket. Each day, multiple times a day, our staff checks the list version of the bookings to determine if we have new bookings that have come in. Then we click on a new booking, click on charges, check to see if one of our surcharge "add-ons" was added to the transaction. If they bought a 60 min Couples Massage, then I go back to the "overview" of the booking, tag it with our 60 min Couples Massage tag, then click on email to send our Massage confirmation email to the guest. In gmail settings, we've set up all messages with certain subject lines to automatically forward to our massage therapist team (because OR doesn't allow a cc or bcc on an email template). Then I move to the next new booking and do the same thing. If there's a new booking with no add-ons, then I tag it as NO ADD-ONS so that the rest of the staff knows that they don't need to check that one and I'm finished. Until it need to do it again a few hours later, because I have a new booking again. So on and so forth . . . . 

Just trying to give you an idea of why this functionality matters! We have revenue coming in from adding surcharges to the checkout process, so it's absolutely worth it, but it could be so much easier if we could automate the tagging and the pushing of the email template based on the tag. 

Thank you for your consideration! (screenshot added here so that you can see what this looks like in the "list" view of bookings.)