HomeAway/VRBO channel bridge payment imports not coming in correctly

Cheryl R.
Aug 26, 2019 8:03 AM
Joined Jan, 2018 22 posts

For the last three days, when I import payments or security deposit refunds from HomeAway using channel bridge, I either receive "no change" when importing the second payment and/or when I import the security deposit refund from HomeAway, it is somehow deleting the guests second payment showing a balance is owed. Does this weirdness have anything to do with HomeAway starting up their own credit card processing and dumping Yapstone?

Chris Hynes
Aug 31, 2019 9:32 AM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1402 posts

Yep, it looks like VRBO have changed their format slightly on the second payment + RDD. We just released a hotfix that should solve this issue.

Run that channel bridge import for that booking again and let me know how things look.