Link for cleaner to confirm cleaning is scheduled

Status: Declined 5 Votes
Ken T
May 18, 2021 12:53 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1706 posts

We've decided that, for the foreseeable future, our various housekeeping system partners do an excellent job, and it would be a mammoth task to try to duplicate it. So we won't be adding any new cleaning features in OwnerRez - if you need something more sophisticated, use one of our integrations with them.

Greg S
May 31, 2018 9:55 AM
Joined Mar, 2018 17 posts

I set up a trigger to automatically email my cleaner when a new reservation comes in, then he manually replies to my email to confirm. After that, I manually enter the cleaning date in the booking on OwnerRez.

What I'd like to see: the ability for the emails to contain a link that the cleaning company manager can click that will mark the clean as "confirmed" in OwnerRez (e.g. enter the check-out date as the Cleaning Date).

Any chance we can implement something like this?


Chris Hynes
Jun 4, 2018 6:30 PM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1402 posts

This is a great idea and something we have planned for dev. Basically you would be able to grant portal access accounts to your staff: and then assign bookings to them. Once assigned, they would see a list of bookings to be confirmed on their end.

Greg S
Jun 5, 2018 12:00 AM
Joined Mar, 2018 17 posts

Interesting approach - I like that the cleaners can log in to see the cleans assigned to them (although this can be accomplished with an iCalendar subscription, too).

If we could make it as frictionless as possible to confirm each clean, that'd be great (e.g. no login, just click the "confirm" link and they're done).

Moon Curser Vine
May 7, 2019 7:03 PM
Joined Apr, 2019 1 post

Has any of this been made possible? How do you add the cleaning date confirmation info info the booking?


Moon Curser Vineyards

Paul W
May 9, 2019 9:26 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 859 posts

Hi Crystal, we've been delayed on the housekeeping module but you can set the Cleaning Date on the booking. Booking > Info tab > Change > set cleaning date. That then shows up in other places in the app.

Bill M
Jul 13, 2020 2:53 PM
Joined Jun, 2019 6 posts

I am currently working to further integrate the different cleaners and cleaning companies I have into the system. Could you provide an update to the status of this effort?

Ken T
Jul 13, 2020 2:56 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1706 posts

I'm going to say, not anytime real soon... Our recent emphasis has been Airbnb messaging and SMS text support. What are you looking for specifically? You could also look into the cleaning-scheduling services we integrate with:

Chris A
Aug 31, 2020 6:49 PM
Joined May, 2019 19 posts

Having a cleaning support system to assign cleaners would be great. We currently use Resort Cleaning and they work well, but would like to have an all-in-one solution through OwnerRez at some point.

Ken T
May 18, 2021 12:53 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1706 posts

We've decided that, for the foreseeable future, our various housekeeping system partners do an excellent job, and it would be a mammoth task to try to duplicate it. So we won't be adding any new cleaning features in OwnerRez - if you need something more sophisticated, use one of our integrations with them.

Brittany T
Sep 21, 2022 5:38 PM
Joined Sep, 2022 1 post

Hi Greg! 


Can you tell me how did you create the trigger? My team needs email notification when a new schedule comes in and we would like to have everything in Ownerrez instead of using other websites. Thanks!


Greg S
Sep 22, 2022 9:29 AM
Joined Mar, 2018 17 posts

First, create an email template of the type BOOKING (Settings/Messaging/Templates).

Mine looks something like this:

Hi Lalo,

A new reservation of {BARR} to {BDEP} just came in for {PDISPNAME}, located at


So if I could please schedule a checkout clean for {BDEP}.

Thank You,


Then, assign that template to a trigger (Settings/Messaging/Triggers):

Occurs: as soon as the event occurs

Event: booking is created

Send Template: (the one you just created - whatever you named it - mine is called 'CLEANER Notification of New Booking (Lalo)')

All of the booking status options are 'Doesn't Matter'

Listing Sites: all

Properties: whatever makes sense for you (in my case, I have one cleaner for one remote property and I clean the ones that are local to me, so I just have this trigger assigned to one property and written specifically for the only cleaner I have...this whole thing could be done more efficiently in cases where someone has multiple properties or multiple cleaners, I'm sure, but I just got something working for my one cleaner/one property situation and haven't had a need to expand on it).

Seasons: all

Tags: I haven't created any tags, so this is greyed out

Allow Multiple: unchecked

Status: enabled