Schlage Encode

Status: Released 169 Votes
Kate K
Sep 24, 2023 8:23 PM
Joined Jun, 2023 1 post

Joined OwnerRez a few months ago and love the advanced functionality relative to our previous platform! Mostly finished with setting up all automated messaging/triggers but just need to get the Schlage locks integrated with OwnerRez! I really don't want to set up third party software when it is supposed to be rolling out any day. OwnerRez, is there any update as to when this will be available? If it will be a few months I'll work towards getting Jervis or other software set up. If we are talking a week or two I'll wait. Thanks in advance for your reply!

Shawn H
Oct 3, 2023 4:44 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2021 283 posts

Hi Kate - great to hear; thanks for the feedback! The Schlage integration is still in Testing/QA as we want to get it right, but it won't be too much longer, definitely not "a few months." Keep an eye on our changelog and/or blog for the latest.

P.S. Inquiry Triggers are coming into Testing/QA soon and that will be another nice advanced automation option!

Tony L
Oct 20, 2023 11:04 PM
Joined Oct, 2020 4 posts

Is there a projected release date?

Oct 21, 2023 7:55 AM
OR Team Member Joined Mar, 2022 135 posts

Is there a projected release date?

by Tony L – Oct 21, 2023 3:04 AM (UTC)

Hi Tony,

We're unable to provide an ETA, but it shouldn't be too much longer now! Testing takes time so we can ensure that we're delivering the quality integrations that our users deserve, and we appreciate everyone's patience.

Scott H
Oct 23, 2023 8:06 AM
Joined Sep, 2022 10 posts

Super excited for this! I believe once you have the lock integration and a better inbox many hosts will be able to drop "other" software's being used and strengthen the OR platform overall.

Will the initial release be for Schlage and Yale or just Schlage?

Luxury Oasis
Oct 23, 2023 8:30 AM
Joined May, 2023 6 posts

Also add to the integration for the smart lock code.  I though had a pretty wide usage and surprised OR isn't yet connected.  Would love this feature.

Adria H
Oct 23, 2023 1:26 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2022 154 posts

We're supporting Schlage Encode locks directly. We hit some roadblocks with a direct Yale integration, and, for now, will still only be supporting them through services like Remote Lock.
If you are using zigbee or z-wave Yale locks, you could use the upcoming Hubitat integration to control those directly. Hubitat is a more advanced integration, and we would only recommend it for tech-savvy hosts. It is launching in a private beta , with general availability coming after we've had some more time for it to be used in the field. 

Scott H
Oct 26, 2023 12:32 PM
Joined Sep, 2022 10 posts

Is there another feature request that will be tracking the Yale integration since this one is now released?

Shawn H
Oct 30, 2023 7:06 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2021 283 posts

Hi Scott - OwnerRez Feature requests are opened by users, so I encourage you, if you feel so moved, to start one for Yale/August Wi-Fi Locks integration. At present, unless there is significant interest we won't be doing it due to integration costs.

Aviad S
Nov 4, 2023 3:07 PM
Joined Sep, 2023 2 posts

Love that this integration was added. I just had my first booking since signing up for the integration, and a code was generated and set by OR. Only problem is, this was a 7-digit code and so far all of my codes have been 6-digit. My understanding is that once you set the first code on the lock, that "locks in" (sorry) the code length forever more.

I don't know whether this new longer code will work (it does show up in the Schlage app Access Codes list), but there was no way to dictate to OR what the code length should be. Curious if others have had guest stays already that used this new feature, and if you ran into code length issues.

Elite Coastal
Nov 4, 2023 4:31 PM
Joined Oct, 2021 10 posts

I have had the same issue. Using RemoteLock, all of our codes were assigned the last 4 digits of the guest's phone number. Now with Schlage, it is assigning 000+ the last 4 digits. In other words, if the guest's phone number is 555-9456, the Schlage integration would assign 0009456, and RemoteLock would have assigned 9456.

Note that ONE of our four Schlage Encode locks Lists the  Access Code Length field as '4' and the other 3 locks say the Access Code Length is "Undefined". I am not sure what caused the differentiation. If there were a way we could set all of the locks ot have the same Access Code Length inside OR, it may solve the problem.

A secondary disappointment is that The Schlage integration shows the Booking # instead of the Guest Name in the Name field. This requires cross-referencing the number to the name instead of just searching by name.

Aviad S
Nov 4, 2023 8:39 PM
Joined Sep, 2023 2 posts

As a follow up to my own post, the 7-digit code worked even though up until now only 6-digit codes have been used. Maybe Schlage removed the restriction of all codes having a uniform length?

Austin G
Nov 5, 2023 9:15 AM
Joined Feb, 2023 14 posts

I have the exact same issue as Elite Coastal with the 000X-XXX code. One lock in my house has a four digit code, but the other one has a seven digit code that says unidentified.  I really want to force a 4 digit code across both. 
I’ve submitted a support ticket for this. Please fix!


I also would really love the Schlage lock code (in the Schlage app) to show the guest name, not the OwnerRez number, as Elite Coastal also points out. Thank you. 


Michael D
Nov 5, 2023 10:49 AM
Joined Oct, 2019 55 posts

I have had the same issue. Using RemoteLock, all of our codes were assigned the last 4 digits of the guest's phone number. Now with Schlage, it is assigning 000+ the last 4 digits. In other words, if the guest's phone number is 555-9456, the Schlage integration would assign 0009456, and RemoteLock would have assigned 9456.

Might I ask why you switched from RemoteLock? I've been using them for 6 years and find the service, software, more than fine. Plus, the price, for me at least, is lower than what OR is charging.

Elite Coastal
Nov 5, 2023 11:05 AM
Joined Oct, 2021 10 posts

Might I ask why you switched from RemoteLock? I've been using them for 6 years and find the service, software, more than fine. Plus, the price, for me at least, is lower than what OR is charging.

by Michael D – Nov 5, 2023 3:49 PM (UTC)


I switched because of the delay with RemoteLock primarily, as their activity reporting can be up to an hour delayed. In the Schlage phone app, the activity reporting is nearly instantaneous, and I am optimistic that a direct integration with OR will also show faster activity reporting. I do like that the management of the locks is within the OR app, but if you want to assign a temporary code not related to a booking (say for a maintenance worker), you would have to use the Schlage app where with RL you could manage codes of all varieties within their app. RL charges me $6/mo/lock, OR's Schlage integration would cost me $4/mo/lock.

Gus and Lindsey W
Nov 9, 2023 10:56 AM
Joined Aug, 2022 17 posts

OR team,

Can you tell us if the codes generated through the integration will be automatically deleted after a guest checks out? 


Carissa S
Nov 10, 2023 10:07 AM
Joined Dec, 2022 4 posts

I'm in the same boat as others. It would be perfect if you could designate the number of digits and possibly use the guest name rather than booking number. I tried manually creating codes and it still added the additional zeros to it.

Paul W
Nov 15, 2023 10:53 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 857 posts

Quick update here...  Keep your eye out for the weekly Product Update blog post, which will discuss this in more detail, but an update went out this morning that included some Schlage fixes:

  • Delete expired codes from lock
  • Make code length editable now that Schlage supports it (for locks with latest firmware)
  • Use guest name for access code name instead of ORBxxx number
Kelly M
Nov 15, 2023 11:25 AM
Joined Apr, 2021 26 posts

Hooray!! Thank you!!

Carissa S
Nov 15, 2023 12:21 PM
Joined Dec, 2022 4 posts

Thank you!!!