Leaving Hostaway because of the 2% booking fee?

Portal User Access

Portal User Access grants Team Access to owners, cleaners, maintenance staff, etc. to view availability calendars and perform actions like blocking off time or viewing owner statements. Each Portal User gets a separate login, and you can configure access to one or more properties or owners, including the ability for a single property to share multiple owners. Once new Portal Users have been added, you will be able to grant specific permissions for each Portal User as we will detail in this article.

Review the Team Access Overview to learn more about the Team Access feature.

Team Access Area

Users can get to their Team Access area by selecting Team Access on the left navigation menu. 

Users can get to their Team Access area by selecting Team Access on the left navigation menu.

To grant Portal Access, complete the steps below for each Portal User or Owner. OwnerRez Users will invite each Portal User with their name and email address. When you create or invite a Portal User, an email will be automatically sent to them with a link they can use to log in and set their own password.

In the Team Access area, note that you can toggle between the Staff and Portal Tabs.

If a Portal User forgets their password, they'll need to select "I forgot my password" on the login page for the system to email them a password reset link.

If you want to edit access for a Portal User, you can drill into each permission and change it. To remove a specific access from a Portal User, select the access and delete it.

Once a user has accepted an invite and created an account, there is currently no way to delete that User. You can only remove their access from your account at any time. If they need to be added back to your account, you just reinvite them to have access.

Portal Member Invitations

Note we are in the Portal tab. You can invite Portal Users by clicking on the Invite Portal User.

Invite Portal Users by clicking on the Invite Portal User.

In the Portal Invite section, enter the First and Last Name and Email Address of the Portal User that you would like to invite. Then, you can complete the lower section that creates or grants permissions. Click Invite.

Invite New Portal User

Portal Member Permissions


Owner Team Access grants owners to view availability calendars, owner bookings, blocks, and perform actions like blocking off time or viewing owner statements. 

Account users can grant owner permissions by navigating to their Team Access area and either selecting the Owner or during the Portal Owner Invite process.

In the Access To section, account users can add Owner Portal Access permissions by selecting the An Owner button. When selected, the system automatically adds portal access to all of the Owner's properties.

Owner Portal Access To section

Account users can determine Portal Owner Team Access permissions for each Portal Owner team member. 

Portal Team Access permissions for each Portal Team Member

The Portal Team Owner Access Permissions section allows account users to determine the following permissions by checking the checkboxes.
Calendar Access Grants Portal User Access to
View Calendar? Allows account users to select specific calendar permissions.
View Guest Name? View Guest Name
View Contact Info? View Guest email and phone number
View Source/Listing Site? View the Source or listing site of a booking
View Custom Fields? View custom fields associated with a booking
View Door Codes? View door codes for a booking
View Tags? View tags for a  booking
View Notes View notes for a booking
Add Notes Add notes for a booking
View Booking Files View booking charges and transactions for a booking
Edit Title  Edit title of a booking
View Blocked-Off Time View blocked-off times
Add Blocked-Off Time Add blocked-off times
Add/Move/Cancel Blocked-Off Time Add, move or cancel blocked-off times
Financials  Grants Portal User Access to
None No financials
Owner Revenue View only the numbers relevant to the properties selected for that owner
All Totals View all total charges and revenue
Detailed Financials View all total charges, revenue, guest balances, and My Net Financials section links

Selecting An Owner unlocks the Permissions for Owners at the bottom of the form, granting access to View Owner Statements and/or View the Dashboard, allowing Owners to see their financial amounts regardless of the financials permissions given.

Owner Portal Access in-app access

Portal Users

Portal Team Access grants users the ability to view availability calendars, booking notes or files, and perform actions like blocking off time or viewing financial information.

Account users can grant Portal Team permissions by navigating to their Team Access area and either selecting the Portal User or during the Portal Invite process.

In the Access To section, account users can grant portal access to all or specific properties.

Portal Team Access to specific properties

By toggling the Calendar > Can View Calendar? button on and off, account users can select specific permissions.

Portal Access Calendar Permissions

Account users can determine Portal Team Access permissions for each Portal Team Member. Remember to click on the green Save button at the bottom.

Portal Team Access permissions for each Portal Team Member

The Portal Team Access Permissions section allows account users to determine the following permissions by checking the checkboxes.
Calendar Access Grants Portal User Access to
View Calendar? Allows account users to select specific calendar permissions.
View Guest Name? View Guest Name
View Contact Info? View Guest email and phone number
View Source/Listing Site? View the Source or listing site of a booking
View Custom Fields? View custom fields associated with a booking
View Door Codes? View door codes for a booking
View Tags? View tags for a  booking
View Notes View notes for a booking
Add Notes Add notes for a booking
View Booking Files View booking charges and transactions for a booking
Edit Title  Edit title of a booking
View Blocked-Off Time View blocked-off times
Add Blocked-Off Time Add blocked-off times
Add/Move/Cancel Blocked-Off Time Add, move or cancel blocked-off times
Financials  Grants Portal User Access to
None No financials
Owner Revenue View only the numbers relevant to the properties selected for that owner
All Totals View all total charges and revenue
Detailed Financials View all total charges, revenue, guest balances, and My Net Financials section links


Portal User Invitation Acceptance

When Portal User Lynn Jones receives her Portal Access Email Invitation and clicks on the link located in her email invitation, the link will open your Portal login page. On this page, Lynn Jones's name and email will be pre-populated. New Portal Users will Create a new account and can do the following during the invitation acceptance process:

  • Send an email to you, the OwnerRez User that sent the initial Email Invitation.
  • Update their First and Last Names.
  • If the Portal User needs to update their email address, OwnerRez Users will need to send a new Portal Access Email Invitation.
  • Portal Users can create their own Password

Portal User Email Invitation

The Portal User then clicks on Create my account.

If the Portal User already has a Portal Team Access account with another OwnerRez User, they can use the same login and password to view multiple OwnerRez Portal Team Access accounts. Portal Users who already have an account can do the following during the invitation acceptance process:

  • Click on the I already have an account radio button.
  • Send an email to you, the OwnerRez User that sent the initial Email Invitation.
  • Update their First and Last Names.
  • If the Portal User needs to update their email address, OwnerRez Users will need to send a new Portal Access Email Invitation.
  • Portal Users can log in with the same Password that they use for their other OwnerRez Portal Team Access accounts.

Portal Team User Linked Account Acceptance

The Portal User then clicks on Link this account.

Managing Your Portal Users' Permissions

You have sent email invitations and your Portal User has accepted the invitation but what if you need to change their permissions? Users can change access for their Portal Users. Note that we are in the Portal tab below.

In the example below, we are going to change the permissions of Portal User Lynn Jones, a cleaner for the Beach Barn and Beach Hut properties. You have some options here. You can:

  • Click on Lynn's name
  • Click on the pen icon
  • Click on the drop-down arrow next to the pen icon to reveal the following options:
    • Edit this User
    • Open Lynn's Portal User information in a new tab

Edit Portal User Access

Now you will see Lynn Jones's information. Click on Grant Portal Access.

Grant Portal Access

The OwnerRez user can grant or create access for Lynn to view All properties or Specific properties. And if we only want to grant or create access to Specific properties, we can select the desired properties by clicking the checkbox next to the desired properties.

Change Portal Property Access

In the example below, we have granted Lynn Jones, a cleaner for the Beach Barn and Beach Hut properties, the following Portal Team permissions:

Change Portal Access
Don't forget to click Save. Lynn now has Portal Access to both the Beach Barn and Beach Hut properties, where she can view the Calendar, Custom Fields, Door Codes, Tags, Notes and Blocked-Off time but has no Portal Access to any Financial Information.

Multiple-Account Switcher

What if your cleaner/housekeeper or maintenance person has access to two or more different OwnerRez portals to view different properties? Portal users can access multiple OwnerRez accounts with the same email login, allowing them to access multiple accounts, by switching directly between those accounts in the menu bar. When the portal user logs in, they will be able to switch to each account as shown below by clicking on Billing > Switch Account button.

Switch to each account as shown below by clicking on Billing > Switch Account button.

All accounts the portal user has access to will be displayed in the modal and the user can easily view the type of access they have as well as switch to their desired team portal. Then, from anywhere in the app, they'll be able to view and switch accounts again by using the "Switch Accounts" button on the top menu bar.

Managing Team Members

When a Portal User is invited to join your Access Team, they will receive an email with a secure link to log in and set their own password. You can resend the email invite anytime using the Resend Invite button under their Portal User settings as detailed below. You can also click on the Change button to edit the Portal User's First and Last Name and Email Address.

Resend the email invite anytime using the Resend Invite button under their Portal User settings as detailed below. You can also click on the Change button to edit the Portal User's First and Last Name and Email Address.

Once you've configured the permissions, Portal Users will be able to log in and see what you've given them access to. If you want to verify what they have access to, use the Log In As button on the Portal User Settings for that individual Portal User. That will log you into their account and you can look around and verify that you've set it up properly. OwnerRez highly recommends that you do so to assure everything is configured correctly. Let's click on Log in as Lynn to see if we've set up Lynn's Portal Access correctly.

As noted below, Lynn now has access to your Portal.

  • Note the banner at the top stating that you are Logged in as a portal user.  You're currently seeing what Lynn Jones will see when they log in.
  • You can click on Go back to your main account>> to exit Lynn's Portal view.
  • Lynn can see both the Beach Barn and Beach Hut calendars but can also select one property only by unclicking a property in the drop-down list.

Portal Access User View

Lynn can also click on individual bookings to view any Custom Fields, Door Codes, Tags or Notes associated with individual bookings.

Portal Access Users have access to individual bookings to view any Custom Fields, Door Codes, Tags or Notes associated with individual bookings.

The Last Access item tells you the last time the Portal User has logged in or blocked off time. This is useful information to make sure they were able to log in successfully and are keeping up to date on the system. For more detailed information, hover over the time link next to Last Access as shown below.