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Setting DNS for Squarespace Domains

A website is a great way to establish your brand and build a strong repeat-guest list as you grow from small owners to PM and beyond. Our Hosted Website feature, built directly into OwnerRez, is easy to use and works with the property, listing, rate, and rule data you've already entered into your account. 

After setting up your website, it's important to link it to your own custom domain name. You can do this by connecting your domain name (DNS) to the OwnerRez servers. Once this is done, your hosted website will be live at your domain, and typing in that domain will take visitors directly to your OwnerRez hosted website. For more information on domains, see Squarespace's Domain basics Help Center article.

Check out our Setup Checklist to learn more. 

Set DNS records for Squarespace Domains

Create an account or log in to Squarespace. On Squarespace, click on Get a Domain or your Domain. On the left navigation menu, select DNS.

In the Custom Records section, click on Add Record to add the custom resource records or hover to the right of record to edit or delete.

  • Remove any A type records with a host name of "@".
  • Add 3 new A type records with the host name "@", one for each IP address below:
  • Create (or set if there is one already) a CNAME type record with a host name of "www" pointing to hosted.ownerrez.com
  • If there are any AAAA type records with a host name of "@", delete them. This is rare.

Squarespace Custom DNS Records Example


You can ensure that you have set your DNS settings correctly by going to Settings > Hosted Websites and clicking Check DNS.

Wait at least an hour after making changes before testing - it can take some time for DNS changes to propagate across the Internet.

ensure that you have set your DNS settings correctly by going to Settings > Hosted Websites and clicking Check DNS.

If you have set your DNS setting correctly, you will see this. If you do not see this, then you should double check what you set in your domain registrar.