Changelog » 2023
Updated 10 months ago
Update December 6, 2023
- Implement StayFi partnership link
- First name input on theming edit page is labeled Last Name
- Fix Announcement History to not show future scheduled announcements
- Don't error when clicking on an invite link that has been deleted
- Don't style the "If Pending Expires" labels with strikethrough if they aren't disabled
- Fix SMS attachments caching signed URL in conversations
- Don't error on guest update if door code update fails -- let the email handle it
- Handle Airbnb message webhooks that don't have any thread user collection
- Google Vacation Rentals Private Beta:
- If booking lead time is not met, property should show unavailable
- A general percent fee should apply to flat fee when marked non-taxable
- Check-in date should cut off max end date on validation
- Some ARI XML messages have restrictions on Id lengths Promotions, TaxFee
- Calculate Length of Stays for Taxes
- Discounts are missing on GVR XML
- Simplify and combine date logic