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Payments Summary Report

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The Payments Summary Report provides a detailed breakdown of payments, including various customizable options to help manage your vacation rental business effectively. Users can sort and/or filter the data by different criteria, such as deposited and undeposited payments, specific time periods, listing sites, payment types, and more.

Configure a Payments Summary Report

To create a Payments Summary Report, navigate to Reports > Summary Reports > Payments.

You can customize the report criteria by selecting from the following fields to include the following.

  • Which properties
  • Time period
  • Which listing sites from the drop-down list/filter
  • Filter by any of the following options.
    • Use deposit date (default)
    • Use payment date
    • Use arrival date
    • Use departure date
  • Select the Payment Types (all are selected as the default)
    • Payments
    • Scheduled Payments
    • Refunds
  • Filter by Deposited options
    • Doesn't Matter (default)
    • Yes
    • No
  • Choose the Report grouping from the drop-down list/filter
    • Listing Site
    • Month
    • Owner
    • Property (default)
    • Quarter
    • Week
    • Year
  • Select the Column options from the drop-down list/filter
    • None (provides a complete summary for the selected time period)
    • Listing Site
    • Month (default)
    • Owner
    • Property 
    • Quarter
    • Week
    • Year
  • If selected, you have the option to Compare with previous years.
    • 5 years before
    • 4 years before
    • 3 years before
    • 2 years before
    • Year before (default)
    • Same year
  • If selected, you can choose to Display absolute values (dollar amounts) or Display relative values (percentage) changes over the previous time period selected (e.g., Year before, 5 years before, etc.).
  • Select the Summary Field options from the drop-down list/filter.
    • Total (default)
    • Net Total
    • Fees

Want to see if your payments are similar to last year? Let's select all the default options and also add the criteria for comparing with previous years. This setting will calculate if our payments are on par with the previous year. If you're not interested in that, don't check the "Compare with previous Year before" checkbox. Click on Run Report.

Payments Summary Report with the

 Not only are all of your monthly payment totals displayed, but you can also see total payments from the previous year and the total dollar amount changes between each year by month.

Payments Summary Report that includes the Previous year month by month display.

As you can see, we're a little behind last year's total payments by month. However, this useful information can help you determine where you are payment-wise from last year and whether you want to employ additional tools to boost your bookings.

Users can choose to Print or Export (and save) the completed Payments Summary Report.

Summary Field Explanation

Let's focus on the Summary Field options from the drop-down list/filter. What do they mean exactly?

 The Total (default) field is the payment amount with fees included

The Net Total field is the Total amount with fees subtracted.

The Fees field only displays fees (e.g., host fees, payment processor fees, etc.). 

Or Total - (minus) Fees = (equals) Net Total

Summary Field

Configure Your Report to Display Undeposited Payments

Users can run the Payment Summary report to see if there are any undeposited payments for a previous time frame with the following configuration.

Payment Summary

Users can also run the Payment Details report with these criteria so they can see a list of each reservation with undeposited payments.