Email Blast September 9, 2024 - Redesigned Login with Google Sign-In


Redesigned OwnerRez Login Page: Now with Google Sign-In!


Hi [first name],

Thanks for being an OwnerRez user! As you may know, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our system by listening to what our customers want. This Wednesday, we will release our redesigned login page that now includes Sign in with Google! Sneak peek below:

We wanted to notify you before release that the new login page has been updated to look like this. There's no need to be concerned that you have landed on the wrong website or that this is a phishing attempt.

Once released, you will be able to sign into OwnerRez using your Google account. This will most likely be familiar to you as many other services allow you to log in this way. Please note this is totally optional. You can continue logging into OwnerRez the same way you do today. But for those who like using their Google account to sign into services, you'll now have that option! You can find more information about this redesign here

We will also be updating our Two-Factor Authentication page, giving it a cleaner look and a familiar feel. Sneak peek below:

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to respond to this email, and our support team will get back to you as soon as possible.