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Core Concepts

Channel Management




Communication History

OwnerRez APIs

Payment Processing

Property Management




OwnerRez Announcements

OwnerRez has the ability to post in-app Announcements which is an efficient way to communicate OwnerRez news and information.

Announcements Bar

The Announcements Bar appears at the top of the OwnerRez app. We do not "announce" to our users unnecessarily to the point of annoyance, but there is a need to communicate important and timely news and information.

The announcements will automatically expire and disappear after a set time, but users can always read more and then dismiss the announcements at any time.

Announcement History

Did you dismiss an announcement that you didn't mean to? Or did an announcement expire before you had a chance to review it? No problem! Announcement History is available by navigating to the "?" menu in the top menu bar and selecting "Announcements."

Announcement History defaults to Product and Partnership announcements. They are sorted from newest to oldest, along with the date the announcement was posted. You will see any announcements that have been made since you opened your OwnerRez account.

Users can select Read More. If the announcement links to a blog post or support article, it will open in a new tab. If an announcement has a "message body," it will pop up on the page so it can be read:

Global Alert Read More Modal

Users can click/tap on Close (or click/tap anywhere outside the pop-up) to exit the pop-up.

If you want to see announcements about Incidents or Webinars (or filter a different way than default), just click on the categories, select the ones you want, then click/tap apply to view: